誠然書寫 熱情真意 充滿玩味和快樂的蛙王韓國旅記
Sincere writing. Passionate genuine. A tour record full of playful and happiness .
Art Empathy and 1-Art Gallery jointly present you with the Frog King Incheon Art in Residency Programme Exhibition. Frog King was renowned for his performance art in his early art career and was also the first Hong Kong representative artist at the Venice Biennale. His artworks are full of frog symbols, and his condensed and packed presentation style is also part of his creations. After his stay in Incheon with lots of newly created works. He will return to the Cattle Depot Artist Village for a brilliant and charming art exhibition.
Frog King shows passion for life. He loves art. His calligraphy and paintings directly explained his simplicity and playfulness. His sense of humor also draws people to smile and sincerely deliver his funny thoughts in the enjoyment of life.