The Surreal Bonsai Show
Date : 30/3- 9/4, 2024
Time : 2-6pm
Venue : Unit 11, Cattle Depot
The art of Penjing originated in China 2500 years ago, involving the meticulous pruning and grooming of young plants, as well as the manipulation of their growth patterns through techniques such as twisting and arching. This tradition eventually spread to Japan, where it thrived and became known as Bonsai, with a focus on enhancing the beauty of cultivated plants.
"The Surreal Bonsai Show" endeavors to transcend the conventional boundaries of Penjing and Bonsai, exploring new dimensions of creativity and expression. By challenging traditional notions of the pen (盆) and the jing (景), this exhibition introduces innovative props and presentation methods to redefine the art form. It serves as an exploration into the evolution of Penjing and Bonsai, aiming to invigorate the culture and practice of these arts. Through embracing novel perspectives and pushing the boundaries of tradition, it seeks to inspire fresh thinking and foster a deeper connection with our diverse realities.
陸叔遠(Robert Loh)
1970年畢業於美國⻄北大學(Northwestern University)廣播電影電視系。回港後擔任TVB (電視廣播有限公司)電視節目製片及導演,後轉入廣告公司任職。1970年代中期,陸叔遠邁入時裝設計領域,為MICHEL RENÉ、Sahara Club、Reno等品牌擔任男裝設計師。
1990年代,陸叔遠於荷蘭任職服飾品牌M exx男裝設計總監。亦曾擔任知名服飾品牌ESPRIT亞太地區形象總監,開發環保、社會、文化等相關項目。
陸叔遠從事藝術創作⻑達十餘年,曾多次舉辦藝術展及擔任策展人。展覽包括針對盲人以及非盲人眾的「眼球背後Behind the Eyeball」,食物主題展覽「你可以吃的All you can eat」。1997年,他擔任了香港回歸交接儀式文化顧問。